Scooterpac canopy
The Scooterpac Canopy is the world's first and only universal folding canopy that fits almost any Scooter on sale today. It's a ticket to all-weather mobility, allowing scooter users to battle the elements without fear. The ingenious mechanism lets the canopy fold back behind the seat when not in use, and sets up in seconds when needed. Made from specialist waterproof fabric, with ultra-durable polymer sides and high-clarity windscreen. This canopy is a cut above the rest. Available in 'Standard' and 'XL' to make sure we've got you covered. Speak to your Eastern Mobility retailer today to determine which size you need.
Product Number : EM-SCOOTERPAC STD
Eastern Mobility Price £595
Prices exclude VAT
Click here for "using the canopy" video Click here for canopy fitting instructionsClick here to see the canopy in use